HTC next with a golden smartphone? Pics leak of gold One

When leaked pics started revealing iPhone 5S components with a golden hue, we didn’t know quite what to think. In time, the odd SIM tray or button gave way to a complete golden body, and as you can tell from the recent announcement, the gold iPhone 5S is now very much official. They say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, and now that Apple’s taken the plunge, we could be seeing other OEMs scrambling to follow-up with golden phones of their own. One of the next might be HTC, or at least that’s the impression we get from new pics of the HTC One in gold.

This is just like the sort of stuff we were seeing last month in blue, prior to that model being formally announced, so if this is real (and we’re not seeing anything here that outright screams “fake” – give it time, though) HTC could conceivably be planning to deliver yet another One color option in just a matter of weeks.

Has the iPhone 5S got you coming around to the look of golden smartphones, or does the whole idea still seem kinda chintzy, like HTC’s just putting on airs of luxury?

